“The brutal honesty with which you talk about parenthood, race, money, privilege, career, family and success is what keeps me coming back.” -- Wei W.

“When I feel stressed, listening to you guys makes me feel more validated and less stressed. It’s like instant access to my girlfriends who get it.” -- Amy M.

”I was totally drawn in by your humility, vulnerability, and honesty in talking about all kinds of stuff that I have also been reflecting on but seldom take time to talk about aloud.” -- Tracy N.

Being a minority woman, professional, and parent today is not easy--it can feel downright impossible sometimes. We get the message from society, family, and past traumas that we should be able to do it all perfectly, with every millisecond infused with pure radiant joy. But life is often messy, confusing, depressing, monotonous, anxious, lonely, invisible, shameful, and bone-tiring. The gap between the many many “shoulds” and our reality can lead us to consume so much energy putting on a front and chasing a path that harms us and our kids. Model Minority Moms is a podcast that tells you you're not crazy, affirms that your lived experience is real and shared, and helps guide your life back to you. Model Minority Moms--ditch the myth and do you.

Co-hosted by Harvard classmates Susan Lieu, Kate Wang, and Jeanette Park. Read about us in The Seattle Times and make the most mundane chores more bearable with an episode.

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